Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 26, 2012



This was a fucking experience that it happened on me for the fuckin first time..

It was not like any other night..

@5.55am sudd sis rush in our room n locked the door n shouted roberry! we rushed into the toilet n locked ourselves in..(quite dramatic but incase if they come upstairs =.=")
She told us there were robbers downstairs had my bfs mom as hostage.
We tried to called the police(6am)
 not long after we went downstairs to check it out.. And the robbers were gone.

6.50am.. police authoroties arrived..
srsly called after an hour only can reach? the police station is like 5 mins driving distance only.. u all guling here??

Mom thought the boys scratched Dads car so she went to the porch to take a closer look as she stepped out the door the boys just forced push the auto-gate n came in.
Their intention was to go for the cars only.. So they just took the keys and a handphone.. :(

The guard house is 2 houses away frm our house.. And whn this accident accured the guards werent at the house.. WTF they went to?
Nvr bother who goes in n out. Always ask for money.
Police nowadays.. cannot depend liao.. salary 2k, u think they will risk their lives for us? would u?
It was some chinese youngsters who did this.
I pray hard for those who were involved u will lose your limbs and live till 100 years old.

They took away a toyota camry reg no. WRQ6648(black) and a mini cooper WMN7896(silver).
Pls contact us if u see any of these cars!! 012-202 2016


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